Prime Source, LLC
80/20 Select Non-Ionic Surfactant
$34.95 $44.95
Aqua Black Select Lake & Pond Dye
$84.95 $104.95
Aqua Blue Select Lake & Pond Dye
$57.95 $92.95
AzProp Select Fungicide (Headway)
$309.95 $399.95
Bifenamite 2SC Miticide (Floramite)
$209.95 $289.95
Chlorothalonil 720 Select Fungicide (Daconil Weatherstik)
$129.95 $149.95
CrossCut Select Brush Herbicide (Crossbow)
from $32.95
Defoamer Select
$22.95 $29.95
Duo Stick Select
$24.95 $29.95
Foam Marker Select
$29.95 $34.95
Fosal Select Fungicide (Chipco Signature)
$124.95 $179.95
Halo 75 WDG Select Herbicide (Sedgehammer)
$54.95 $79.95
Imidacloprid 2F Select T/I - Compare to Merit, Premise
$74.75 $119.95
Imidacloprid 75 WSP Select (Merit)
$39.95 $59.95
Iprodione 2F Select Fungicide
$279.95 $299.95
Masking Agent Select
$42.95 $52.95
Meso 4SC Select Herbicide (Tenacity)
from $39.95
PPZ 41.8 Select Propiconazole Fungicide (Tilt) (Spectator)
$164.95 $179.95
Prodiamine 4SC Select Herbicide (Barricade)
$339.95 $399.95
Sulfentrazone 4SC Select Herbicide (Dismiss)
from $55.50
Tank Cleaner Select
$19.95 $29.95
Tebuconazole 3.6 Select Fungicide (Torque)
$99.95 $109.99
Triad QC Select Herbicide
from $39.95
Triad Select Herbicide
from $32.95
Triad SFZ Select Herbicide (Surge)
Sold out
Triad TZ Select Herbicide (compare to T-Zone)
from $38.95
Trin-Pac Select Plant Growth Regulator (Primo Maxx)
from $151.50
Turf Marker Blue Select Spray Indicator
from $22.75
Turf Marker Green Select Spray Indicator
from $24.95
X-Out Herbicide (Finale)
from $33.95